Click on Register for submitting your property.
We welcome all bankers fraternity in a new unique initiative to help our fellow bankers to find and search rental property on their transfers to other city. Bankers may post their property which they want to rent out to our bankers colleagues.
For posting the property on this portal, one need to register first with their details and then can post easily with property details and its pictures.
If already registered then click POST YOUR PROPERTY .
Interested bankers may search through the portal and find properties as per their need at the new place of their posting.
This will help our fellow bankers to search, negotiate and finalize the property without the involvement of any brokers.
If found useful, kindly share the link with your fellow bankers so that mutual benefit can be maximized.
Suggestions for any improvement in site are invited on mail id:
PS: Brokers may please excuse.

Feedback/ Message Form:
(Note: Messaging here will not post your property. Pls register and then post property so that it is visible to others.)